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Nineteen eighties,Guangdong with "dare be the world first" spirit of the development of market economy,establish the Guangdong reforming and opening one step ahead of the Explorer status and extroversion development strategy.After entering 90 age,Guangdong economy presents a momentum that develops quickly,it not only makes the Guangdong to become the country's first GDP breakthrough trillion yuan to close greatly Province,also make the Guangdong important index and economic fields in the established his position.Currently,Guangdong economic growth rate higher than the national average of 2-3 points,regional comprehensive strength is one of the leading provinces.However,Guangdong region economy grows in high speed process,are also associated with economic development inevitably some problems,mainly displays in:economic growth economic growth rate and quality of balance,exogenous growth model with endogenous growth imbalance as well as the province of regional economic development imbalances.Therefore,Guangdong economic development is facing from low-cost strategy to technology innovation strategy changes,from extensive growth to intensive growth,focus on economic growth from economic growth to improve the quality of the key turning point in changing,we must comprehensively enhance the international competitiveness of Guangdong area.The abstract of a thesis.Translation I put to you.Increase the number of points.
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