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最著名的要数费列罗榛果威化巧克力:开创多层式用料,外面铺满巧克力碎果仁,里面有威化、软巧克力和一粒完整的榛子,带来多重口感的享受.不论从包装到价格都“金”光闪烁,每颗ROCHER都选用金箔纸独立包装,陈放在纸质或透明礼盒内,意念新颖独特,装潢典雅华贵.夹着果仁的巧克力外衣脆脆的,里面的巧克力心柔软浓滑,甜而不腻入口即化.其中有ferrero rocher,这种巧克力从里到外一共有三层夹心,号称"三种滋味",就是我们平时说的 金莎,也是国内最常见到的.
The most famous to the number of Ferrero Rocher Hazelnut-wei of chocolate: to create a multi-layered materials, outside covered with pieces of chocolate nuts, which have Granville, and a soft chocolate and hazelnut complete, bringing the enjoyment of multi-texture. Whether from the packaging to the price of the "golden" light flashes, each choice of gold foil paper Rocher are independent packaging, Chen on paper or transparent box, the idea of novel and unique, luxurious and elegant decoration. Holding a coat of chocolate, crunchy nuts and chocolate hearts inside soft thick slippery, sweet but not greasy or of the entrance. Have one of ferrero rocher, this chocolate from the inside out to a total of three-sandwich, known as "the three types of taste", is what we usually say金莎, but also the most commonly seen domestic.
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