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Our country is a splendid culture of five thousand years, the styles of civilization, ancient civilizations. "From molestation FeiLiWuTing, don't do that, not molestation molestation, we start moving" ancestors have been walking in the pursuit of civilization on the road. Civilization is more respect yourself, respect others. Civilization is a unique beauty! The ancients says, in observing the subtle. When I was walking in the street, see our classmates whispered greeting, I saw a civilization, When I entered the campus, see our classmates greetings to the teacher, I saw a civilization... we each people do not choose appearance of beauty and ugliness, but we can choose civilization! Students, we are looking forward to the civilization of our campus flowers bloom, bloom of our motherland the earth! Even a flower does not make a spring, a few effort is far from enough, let us work together and showing young pioneers of the new style, we Chinese hosts, shaping a new image! Here, I called on the name of young pioneers, action, and the young pioneers! According to a civilized and etiquette student! Teachers, guests, meet regards, Up and down the stairs, more people crowded, humility, Stress health, no littering, see the paper always picked up, Love, not write a GongWu stroke, After the first bus when it under his seat, the initiative. Come on, my fellow students. We should start from now, when a qualified students to do a civilized understand manners of young pioneers, for the 2008 Beijing Olympics offered a gift! I finished speaking, thank you!
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