早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


(四) (1)当/一次次/朝晖夕阴/当/一枚枚/星隐日出/当/月假/姗姗而至的时候,我相信—— (2)我相信——欢呼雀跃声/荡漾校园/思亲念亲声/充溢心田/我们/早已整装待发 (3)我相信——母亲喷香的佳肴/可以塞满肠胃/父亲灼热的话语/足以将别离融化 (4)我相信——长辈的关切/亲人们的询问/总是把我们从头到脚/重重叠叠地洗刷 (5)我相信——家乡的水/原来如此/清醇明目/家乡的山/原来这般/缠绵如诗/锦绣如画 (6)我相信——纵身爱的洗礼/浑身便会闪烁起责任的光辉/心中便会升腾着奋进的火花
(4) (1) when / / from zhaohui evening Yin once
again/when/gold pieces/star hidden sunrise/when/false/shanshan to,I believe -
(2) I believe - cheers sound/ripples campus/filled with festive read aloud pro
sound/heart/we already gearing up (3) I believe - mother fragrant air food can
fill the stomach/father/hot enough to melt separation (4) I believe - elders
concerns/relatives ask/always/contrasting with the from head to foot us wash (5)
I believe - the hometown of water/so/fresh bright eye/home/so/original mountain
lingering poetic/splendid picture (6) I believe - with love the baptism of the
glory of the whole body will be flashing responsibility/will rise with the spark
in my heart
看了 英语翻译(四)(1)当/一次...的网友还看了以下: