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1朝拜佛教名山 2天坛是中国著名的神坛,也是来北京的中外游客必游之地 3中国古建筑不但体系纷呈,形式典雅,风格多姿,而且具有极大的艺术价值 6主要建筑煎鱼南北中轴线上,而次要建筑则分别中轴线两旁,形成两翼 7中国建筑在色彩上斑斓纷呈,有的颜色对比强烈,有的素雅和谐
1.a pilgrimagea to famous Buddhist mountain
2.The Temple of Heaven is a famous chinese altar,and it is a must to visitors in Beijing.
3.Ancient Chinese architecture varies for its unique structural system,graceful forms and rich artistic decorations.
6.Major structures are on the north-south axis,while secondary structures are on the both sides of axis and become formation of two wings.
7.The Chinese architecture is rich in color.Some contrast and some harmonize.